Did you know, the "Casino" has a reputation for being "haunted"? I have personally seen and heard ghosts in the Casino and I will discuss these sightings in future "blogs", if any of you are interested in hearing about them.
Over the years, as I was working at the Casino Theatre, I found that the other employees were so scared of "Casino ghosts" that they talked the manager into putting me in charge of “taking down” (closing) the theatre after the last show. The horrible job that filled them all with terror was turning off the lights before leaving the building. This task meant that I would have to be in the building when it was…DARK! (This never bothered me at all. In fact, I loved being in there with the lights off. I felt so much at peace there in the dark).
Anyway, it was about 10 years ago, soon after the episode in my last "blog" (Hopefully, you have read my blog about the old woman on her "60th Wedding Anniversary"). One evening, as I was "taking down" the theatre, I noticed that a middle-aged man was lingering behind.
I approached him and told him that I was sorry, but I had to close up the building and we would have to leave together. He asked if he could just stand there a little longer and enjoy the beautiful movie palace. He said that he lived in San Diego, that he had been coming to Catalina most of his life and could never get enough of the Casino Theatre. Then, he told me he wanted to share something with me. After the episode with the elderly lady in the ballroom, I COULDN'T WAIT to hear his story!!!
He said he had recently received his Master's Degree in Music and was now ready, after all of these years, to finally become a professional singer. He said that no matter what happened in his new career, there would always be a "dream" that he would NEVER be able to realize. I love hearing people’s “dreams" so I asked him to continue!
Great story...where's the end of it? Keep these stories coming.
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