Monday, May 24, 2010

Catalina Island Man's 63rd Birthday Gallapalooza!

Well, today I am 63 and here are more things I've learded about aging and growing.

Number 63 is: DON'T EVER GET

40. Accept "constructive" criticism, with the same enthusiasm as you accept praise. Both are necessary for growth.

41. Most growth comes through struggle and defeats and not from easy successes. "Failure" is only a "failure" if you don’t learn from it.

42. Strive to continually to be on a better basis with God. If you don’t believe in God, watch three episodes of "Touched By An Angel". Eternity is a long time and you had better be sure of your beliefs, because you are going to have all of this time to either celebrate or regret your decision!

46. "Impossible" is just an opinion.

47. The Bible gives us two forms of learning stories. Examples and Warnings. If you can’t be a "good" example, you’ll just have to be a "horrible" warning!

48. Being considered "different" is not always a bad thing.

49. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by
the moments that take our breath away.

50. "If you’re going through hell, keep going!" (Winston Churchill)

51. The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the
person doing it.

52. "Enthusiasm" is contagious! Find something to be passionate

53. As we get older, those little aches and pains are a good
sign…it means those parts haven’t fallen off yet!

54. THINK FIRST! The toes you step on today may be connected to
the fanny you have to kiss tomorrow. Don't burn your bridges!

You may need them to get back to that earlier fanny!

More to come in my next blog about being 63...weee!

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