Dateline Avalon CA: Local Historian Chuck Liddell claims that the "other Chuck Liddell" falsely claims on his website that "he" starred in the movie: "Hollywood's Magical Island, Catalina"! See "Chuck as Himself" on his personal website: The "real" Chuck Liddell hereby challenges the "other Chuck Liddell" to a contest of the manly arts, to wit: a presentation of their respective movie versions of "Hollywood's Magical Island, Catalina" at the Casino Theater at a time of choosing of the "other Chuck Liddell".
This could be a real dustup as Avalon's Chuck Liddell is quoted as saying, "I had the name first" and "I will kick his celluloid"! No one from the "other Chuck Liddell" could be reached for comment, at this time.
I was Chuck Liddell before being Chuck Liddell was cool!
Yes, Chuck Liddell will be,
but I won't!
Confusing!?! Shouldn't be. Just look at our two pictures and hopefully you can tell that although I AM "CHUCK LIDDELL",
I AM NOT "CHUCK LIDDELL"!!! Makes perfect sense to me!
He will probably loose points when he body slams his partner during their first dance, forgetting where he is!
Ever since Chuck Liddell has been fighting (and sometimes "Light Weight Champion" of UFC ("Ultimate Fighting Championship") on television, I have received many phone calls, and even letters from people around the world asking "Are you the REAL 'Chuck Liddell'"? OF COURSE I AM THE REAL "CHUCK LIDDELL"! I'VE HAD THE NAME LONGER THAN "HE" HAS!!!!!
Having a name that is as recognizable as mine has its drawbacks. It can certainly be humbling!
A couple of years ago a woman in her late 20's/early 30's came up to me near the "Pleasure Pier". She asked me if ...
I was "Chuck Liddell".
Feeling a sense of my own "notoriety" on Catalina, I smiled and said "Yes, I am. How did you recognize me?" Of course, I thought of my appearances in Catalina movies, books, lectures, etc. "Someone in one of the shops pointed you out", she said.
Well, my head expanded to a size 100! She then asked if I would permit her to have my picture taken. I WAS NOW UP TO 200!!!!! I, of course, agreed, because us "celebrities" have to learn to show respect for our "public"! She then motioned to her husband, all 6'6", 275 lbs. of him, to stand next to me. Looking at her and there three young children, I asked her why only her husband wanted a picture with me and not the whole family (I am sure that we could have found a "lucky" tourist to take the picture). She then explained that "only" her husband wanted to be in the picture with me as he was an "UFC" fan and had always wanted to have his picture taken with Chuck Liddell. My head size was now down to 150. "I am not 'that' Chuck Liddell", I told her, with a half smile.
"We know", she said, "my husband wanted to have a "gag picture" of you two together to show to his buddies back home!" My head had now deflated to 50!
The picture was taken and I was able to summon up a half-hearted smile. I noticed that the wife had pulled out a $1 bill and I honestly had no idea why. When I asked her, she said that that was for the photo. I was now down to 25. I told her that she could keep her $1 and then she offered to take me out for a "drink". When I told her that I didn't "drink", she said that she would give me an "ice cream"! I now imploded to a -15 cents!!!!!
Talk about being HUMBLED!!!!! I now know that a picture of me is worth $1, or a drink or ice cream, on the open market and that is only as a "gag"!
I have been kicking around the idea of "fighting" (faked of course) Chuck Liddell in a Sumo-wrestling outfit, up at our local gym, to raise money for our school's sports program. I thought that a "Chuck Liddell vs. Chuck Liddell" would be an interesting concept and one that might bring some interest from the media and bring in some bucks! I would really like to know your thoughts on this.
I do know one thing, I won't allow any pictures of us taken or sold for any less than $l.50!
1 comment:
A "Liddell vs. Liddell" fake fight would work if the Iceman is a good sport. Everyone knows who you are...but would he take advantage of the situation. The question is whether or not the Iceman is a NiceMan, too. Only do it if he is.
Chuck Liddell, the fighter, should be on notice that Chuck Liddell, the Catalina man, is a force to be reckoned with. He is a multi-faceted guy. Incredible knowledge of Island history and stories galore with humor, sage philosophy, profound observations from life experiences - all abound on an Island tour. A match between Chuck Liddell vs.
Chuck Liddell could only be refereed by someone named Chuck
However,as far as we are concerned you can forget the fighter. The real deal is the Catalina Island man that we all know and love! The tour guide extraordinaire. WOW,what a memorable island tour the real Chuck Liddell gave to our teenage grandkids and us, Peggy and Chuck Lindahl. Of course his VW van was in TOP NOTCH shape. We loved every minute riding in it and listening to him waxing poetic,
about a wide range of subjects --
the meaning of life and how to achieve world peace! Thanks, Chuck!
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