Two "findings" stand out as important in this story. Our Mayor, Ray Rydell, told me that his mother's bottle was reported found literally hours before she died. She had been in a coma for quite some time, and he said that the last words that his mother heard, before she died, were, "Mother, they found your "Bicentennial" bottle!" He later smiled when he said that he thought that she what kept her

alive was waiting for those words and he was sure he saw a glimpse of a smile, when she then passed away.
The other bottle was sponsored by Dorothy Hochberg.
Her bottle was discovered on a deserted island, near the Philippines,

by a fisherman who noticed it glimmering in the sun. It was safely covered by the flipper of a dead seal, which seemed to be protecting it until it was located! (There is a VERY unusual story connected with this, that Dorothy later shared with me, once I notified her of the strange circumstances of her bottles location, and I will relay it through this "BLOG" if anyone wants to hear about it).
The bottle "celebration" was so accurately documented that the "National Geodesic Society" contacted me so that our results could be plotted on their ocean current maps because the results of several similar studies that they had made had been accidentally "destroyed".
In my next "BLOG" I will keep the 4th of July going by sharing another story. One about the special group that has graced our "4th of July" Parade for the past twenty years!
Yes, we want to hear the VERY unusual story that Dorothy shared with you!
Dear Brother Chuck,
I found your Blog very informative, funny at times, and keeping my interest all the way through your stories. Thanks for putting this up. You have a wealth of knowledge that many will be Blessed to receive. May our God open their hearts so that they too may enjoy what He's given to you, just as I have.
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