Tourist Vs Visitor?Who are you?

In keeping with the 4th of July theme, I would like to share with you a story, that will not only explain the "unique- ness" of Catalina, but will also explain the difference between "Visitor" and "Tourist".
Years ago, all those guests who came to our Island paradise were called "Tourists". Somewhere along the line, this term seemed to acquire a derogatory connotation, so the term "Visitor" came up, which I felt was a good thing.
Luckily for all of us who deal with them, "Visitors", who treat us with respect and enjoy being here, make up approximately 98% of those who come to our Island
Those "Tourists", who treat us like "servants" and who probably should have stayed home, or "put away in a home", only make up the remaining
This story occurred on July 4 and unfortunately dealt with a "Tourist".

About 10 years ago, I was acting as a security person for "Catalina Confetti", a very good souvenir store on Crescent Street (the front street along the bay). I was working the 4th of July, and luckily for me, the annual 4th of July Parade passes right in front of the store, which meant that I was going to have a perfect view of the parade (the stores on the front street completely empty out when the parade starts).
Now, I know that we don't have the highest quality parade in the country (although this year's parade was certainly right up there), but we are a small town and really enjoy this opportunity to show off our decorated golf carts and paying tribute to our country! There are a lot of balloons, candy and toy jewelry tossing, and most of the local businesses and families come together to share the enthusiasm and excitement of the day.
Well, this parade that I was watching was certainly not one of our better ones, but no one cared, except this one "Tourist", who was, unfortunately, standing right next to me, watching the parade go by. He continually put down our meager contribution to the institution of 4th of July

parades and actually got downright

insulting. He was making comments like, "This is the crumbiest parade I have ever seen!" and "You people ought to be ashamed of yourselves for doing such an inferior job!".
I have been taught "customer service" long and well, and I know the saying that the "customer is ALWAYS right", but this guy was pushing all of those “buttons”. That being said, I know that sometimes I just need to smile and try to bite my tongue, I knew that something coming down the street would soon cause this "TOURIST" to “change his tune” and start swallowing his words.

And, then it happened, a "band" marched by! The man's eyes almost left their sockets and I watched as he tried to pull his jaw from the pavement and put it back under his mouth, (which my Grandmother would have "washed out with soap", if she had only been there). He yelled "WHAT WAS THAT!?!"
"Oh, that?" I calmly replied.
"That was the... "USC Trojan Marching Band." 
"What are THEY doing in this "cheap" parade!!??!!" he demanded. He went on, "I am a big business man on the mainland and for years I have been trying to get them to perform for one of my events and they don't even return my phone calls! How did this nothing town pull this off!!!???"

I matter-of-factly explained that this particular band had been performing in the Avalon, 4th of July Parade for ten years
(2009 was their 20th Anniversary of their continually gracing us with their presence and pageantry).

"But what would cause them to come HERE of all places!!????!!"
I felt the "teacher" in me take over as I calmly set the record (and this fellow’s clock) straight.
"Avalon has a LOT of muscle, but we RARELY flex it! We don't believe in showing off, just for the sake of impressing people.
When we DO get to showing off, though,

we get the "USC Trojan Marching Band"
for our “little” parade!"
Click "picture" to see 2009 Catalina Island 4th of July Parade video.
Post Script: If a crow had been flying by at the time, I am sure that he would have accepted his fate and eaten it! I would have gladly served it to him in a nice pie, if only a "humble" had been accessible!