Tuesday, March 9, 2010

They Called Me NATURE BOY! Part 8

More hints for the Blog Contest. Send those postcards now,
the contest ends on the 15th!

HINT Number 4, for Nature Boy Celebrity Number 1: In 1932, he was noted for his portrayer of a "swinger" in a role that five others played before him. He made 12 motion pictures as this fictional character. He ended this role in 1948.

HINT Number 4, for Nature Boy Celebrity Number 2: He was of Mexican descent; He appeared in many silent, as well as "talkies"; He was most noted for being a "side kick"!

Monday, March 1, 2010

They Called Me NATURE BOY! Part 7

More hints for the Blog Contest. Send those postcards.

HINT Number 3, for Nature Boy Celebrity Number 1: In 1932, he was noted for his portrayer of a "swinger" in a role that five others played before him. He had GREAT hair.

HINT Number 3, for Nature Boy Celebrity Number 2: He was most noted for being a "side kick" in an early television Western, that went from l950 to 1956. Tequila!